dandelions burst
wiggled in the wind
settled on the eyes of a black bear
blindfolded by stardust
he stood up surprised
sniffed at the future
goosebumps settled as he stumbled
through riverine jungles
gobbling honeycombed rumbles
eating salmon crumbles
his mouth full, the great bear
spotted a fish
leaned over and tumbled
black thunder-clouds clapped
HA HA! Vajra!
the bear, insulted, looked up and snarled
releasing a salty salmon hive
of bejeweled bees
that raced up to the waiting embrace
of roiling clouds
as they flew
thunder bolted
lightning slashed
frightened, the bees froze
then hardened over eons
till they twinkled
far below
the Great Bear watched bemused
as the constellation bearing his name
coalesced through time
The poem, Blindfolded Bear, was published in Festival of Poetry on January 21, 2025
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