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Hindustan Times: Isn’t food enough for restaurants?
When you go to a restaurant, what do you go for? If it is just food, I would argue that you can get better food at your home or a relative’s home.
For WisdomCircle: on connection
Connection is what defines us as humans and it is one thing that exponentially increases our happiness. This isn’t some deep profound confide-all-secrets type of connection that I am talking about, although that too is good.
The tango between Khara-bhaath and Kesari-bhaath
For the average Bangalorean or Kannadiga, there is a two-dish tango that evokes a symphony in their minds. These two dishes are the khara-bhaath & kesari-bhaath.
Soulful conversations between parents and children
How much do we really know those who are close to us? Sometimes the most generous thing you can do is to reveal yourself to your loved ones.
Better than bhel puri: Girmit or mandakki
To understand the hold that girmit or churmuri has on people from Karnataka, you have to understand that it is not just a recipe. It is an ecosystem.
The second innings according to movies and literature
There is a wonderful film that anyone interested in working after retirement ought to watch.
How to talk to teenagers 101
My friend, Neeraj Sagar, has founded a firm called Wisdom Circle, which aims to put recent retirees to work. This is a column I am writing for him.
How a pensioner’s paradise became a Pub City
A god and goddess came down to earth. How is this connected to Bangalore? Read on.
Hindustan Times: Science and Song
The sun is sacred to most old cultures and now this central figure has begun his long march north, beginning a period of renewal, rejuvenation and auspiciousness, all symbolised by a new harvest.
Hindustan Times: New Year resolutions
I think a New Year’s resolution is an expression of hope. It is built on the idea that this year, finally, we will tick off all those things that we have been yearning to conquer.
Wisdom Circle: taking stock of 2023
My definition of the good life is typically Indian. It involves a contradiction. To me, the good life is about a life of the senses and a life of the spirit: what we call in Sanskrit as bhoga and yoga. I would argue that each of us has a version of this.