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Hindustan Times: Visiting Chefs

To be a good chef, you have to have knowledge, opinion and confidence. Few professions are as unforgiving as a chef’s chosen job. You get feedback instantly. If the dish isn’t good, it gets sent back to the kitchen. Reviews appear on platforms and word-of-mouth criticism spreads like wildlife. No wonder most chefs develop an armour to shield and protect them. Recently, a number of star-chefs have been visiting Bengaluru. Here then, is my take on the ones that I have dined at.

Fearless after 50: for WisdomCircle

What is it about women over 50 that makes them particularly suited for entering or re-entering the workforce? Perhaps the largest impetus is the mind-space that older women gain once their children are grown and gone. The second reason could have to do with hormones. But one advantage that age gives women is a certain confidence that comes from not having to prove anything to anybody.

Hindustan Times: Theatre in Bengaluru

Karnataka, like every other Indian state also has a robust night life beyond the pubs nightclubs which includes theatre, music performances, and processions, all of which are linked to religious institutions.

  • Burgundy Countryside. The Wine Geeks of Silicon Valley. HT Media. Mint Lounge
Hindustan Times: Gin and Smell

Smell or olfaction is among the most ancient of our senses. In order to smell better, it seems obvious that you have to practice smelling. Children do this. We are surrounded by smells but have stopped paying attention to them.

Hindustan Times: Science in the City

Here is a fairly stunning statistic, to use the tempered language of science. In the 2023 Nature Index of the top science cities globally, only one Indian city made it to the top 100. Guess which one? Bengaluru.

Old favourites that I wrote for Condenast Traveler (US edition)

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