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Hindustan Times: Breakfast in Bangalore
India has a masala dosa problem. This folded potato-filled fermented-rice flat circular piece of deliciousness has overtaken the world. The problem is that equally good variations of this form get lost in the focus on this one type of dosa.
Sommelier India: New York City wine
Say you are visiting a new city in the US and you want to taste and buy wine. What do you do? I experienced this recently when I visited New York.
Hindustan Times: Isn’t food enough for restaurants?
When you go to a restaurant, what do you go for? If it is just food, I would argue that you can get better food at your home or a relative’s home.
For WisdomCircle: on connection
Connection is what defines us as humans and it is one thing that exponentially increases our happiness. This isn’t some deep profound confide-all-secrets type of connection that I am talking about, although that too is good.
Hindustan Times Edit Page: Sex scandal in Hassan
In incidents of sexual assault and rape, India and indeed the world, has a tendency to blame the woman—the victim. “She must have been wearing something provocative to instigate him into rape,” is a common one.
India Today Travel Plus: Restaurant review
How does a fine-dining Indian restaurant differentiate itself? A review of Zarf at The Sheraton Grand Whitefield.
Hindustan Times: Beyond ayurvedic spas
Ultimately, it comes down to the smell of the towels, I said when a Bengaluru visitor asked why I had not given a spa guide to the city in this column. After all, I had written about everything else. This is odd because you see, I am that cliché. I am a spa junkie.
For SF Gate: temple food
This is my first piece for SF Gate which has some 136 million page views and some 30 million unique visitors each month. It is about the Livermore temple and its food.
Hindustan Times: Gin and Smell
Smell or olfaction is among the most ancient of our senses. In order to smell better, it seems obvious that you have to practice smelling. Children do this. We are surrounded by smells but have stopped paying attention to them.
Hindustan Times: Science in the City
Here is a fairly stunning statistic, to use the tempered language of science. In the 2023 Nature Index of the top science cities globally, only one Indian city made it to the top 100. Guess which one? Bengaluru.
WisdomCircle: Course Correction
Having someone hold a mirror to your face is the hardest thing to....well, face. But if you are lucky, you will have at least one friend who will do it for you. I write about this.