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For WisdomCircle: Fearless after 50
Recently, I have noticed a happy trend among women in the fifties. They are blossoming in ways that even they could not have predicted.
Hindustan Times: Dance in Bangalore
Bangalore is blessed with a multitude of classical dance forms relative to say, nearby Chennai where Bharatanatyam reigns supreme, or Hyderabad where Kuchipudi takes pride of place.
Mint Lounge: How Cartier scented a symphony
The House of Cartier has created three scents that will perfume the hall at three key points during the performance—but we are not certain how it will be achieved. The only clues are white vortex-shaped structures along the sides of the auditorium.
Hindustan Times Edit Page: Carnatic music
T.M. Krishna fancies himself as a revolutionary, but he is an inconsistent reactionary whose argument is “anti-whatever the norm is” rather than cogently thinking through the evolution of music.
Hindustan Times: The trouble with Indian cocktails
The problem with creating cocktails in India is that we have too many ingredients available to us. For an imaginative mixologist, this throws up a dizzying array of choices and not all of them good.
Hindustan Times: The good life as per Indic thought
Is there an Indic approach to leading a good life? Not Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics which is the western notion of a good life.
WisdomCircle: Making peace with yourself
How do you change yourself? Often, change comes with, or as a result of pain. You have a heart attack and you change your eating habits.
For on Kerala
A travel story about Kerala for a largely American audience
Hindustan Times: street & luxury Bangalore
Anyone who says Bangalore is an expensive city has not been to Shivaji Nagar in the evenings.
Redeeming yourself
Failure, Apology, Redemption. The older you get, the easier this becomes, or does it? My monthly column for WisdomCircle!
Hindustan Times: Wedding shopping
It is a truth universally known that NRIs who need to shop for a wedding usually come to India. We each have our own list of products, shops and people. This one is mine.