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Hindustan Times: Ganesha festival
Of course Mumbai is the city that is associated with Vinayaka, Ganesha, Ganapathy, call him what you will. But you may be surprised to find that Bangalore can provide spirited competition in the spectacle area.
WisdomCircle: Soul and Spirit
This column is about a simple fact: as you age, the ego becomes both stronger and more fragile. This plays out in ways that can both strengthen and sabotage because you are both secure and insecure.
Money Control: Bar hopping in Bangalore
Here then is an incomplete guide to what beer and wine you can drink in Bengaluru.
India Currents: Journeys of Faith
About a Bharatanatyam dance performance based on my book, Food & Faith.
Wisdom Circle: How to love in your 50s
Forget love. The glue that makes a relationship stick is how you fight and forgive. Do you sulk when wounded? Do you go silent? Or do you shout and scream?
WisdomCircle: Love
Forget love. The glue that makes a relationship stick is how you fight and forgive. Do you sulk when wounded? Do you go silent? Or do you shout and scream? My father did not shout. His response to my mother’s anger, usually hurled as questions from the kitchen, was to leave the space and bang the doors and windows, all the while, muttering to himself.
Hindustan Times: Being single in Bangalore
Has lack of qualification ever stopped Indians from volunteering opinions? No, right? I say this as preamble since I, a married woman, am talking about the single life in Bangalore.
Sommelier India: Has beer overtaken wine in India?
Bangalore has about 85 brewpubs. It doesn’t have a single wine bar. Go into The Bier Library on a Friday evening and you’ll have to wait in line for a seat. Why is this so?
Hindustan Times: Isn’t food enough for restaurants?
When you go to a restaurant, what do you go for? If it is just food, I would argue that you can get better food at your home or a relative’s home.
For WisdomCircle: on connection
Connection is what defines us as humans and it is one thing that exponentially increases our happiness. This isn’t some deep profound confide-all-secrets type of connection that I am talking about, although that too is good.
Hindustan Times Edit Page: Sex scandal in Hassan
In incidents of sexual assault and rape, India and indeed the world, has a tendency to blame the woman—the victim. “She must have been wearing something provocative to instigate him into rape,” is a common one.