7 events found.
Book Talk
Pune International Centre talk on Food & Faith
Dear All, Pune International Centre (PIC) cordially invites you to [...]
Talking Food & Faith to EO or Entrepreneurs Organization
Virtual EventInvite for Shoba Book Talk at EO
Talk for Manthan: Food & Faith
Speaking to my alma mater– what a treat
Virtual Event
Speaking to my alma mater, Women’s Christian College: what a treat!
Virtual Event
Please come for Namma Bangalore at Biere Club on April 18, 2024 at 5 PM
The Biere Club, Lavelle Road Bangalore, IndiaChampaca is a lovely independent bookstore in Bangalore. The Biere Club is one of the earliest breweries in Bangalore. I am thrilled that beer and books have come together, and I also happen to be in the mix. The event is free and open to the public. Please come.