Like most everyone, I am in two minds about “marketing” my book.  On the one hand, I get that it is necessary and the done thing.  On the other, I get that it is a bit much to plug the book everyday.  It feels like tooting your own horn which isn’t nice.  But Algonquin makes it so easy for me.  Everyday, I get one or two things from the publicity folks there.  It is one step to post it on my personal blog which then automatically “shares” to Twitter, Facebook, etc.  For a while, I started a separate “books” page on Facebook to keep it separate from my friends page, but that got a bit tiresome to manage.  So for all my friends who are getting an overdose of this book stuff from me, rest assured that it will go away soon and I will go back to lurking.
With that preamble, here is the latest from Book Browse

Amy Gash <>Fri, Jan 26, 2018 at 12:03 AM
Reply-To: Amy Gash <>
To: Shoba Narayan <[email protected]>
Cc: Michelle Tessler <>

Hi Shoba,


Scroll down and you’ll see The Milk Lady of Bangalore in the Book Browse First Impressions program newsletter. We are also doing a promotion in BookMovement. Here’s a little about both from our online marketing director, who also included an attachment:


-This BookBrowse Highlights newsletter below goes out to 33,000 people with a 25 percent open rate (which is high).


-The First Impressions program (The Milk Lady of Bangalore in this instance) matches books with readers prepublication. Two emails go out soliciting interest. Then the readers start posting their reviews on the BookBrowse site and generating discussion – and discussion questions. Then at publication, it is featured on the site (screenshot attached), including in the Members Recommend section, and again in two newsletters. And BookBrowse encourages the readers to share their reviews elsewhere (Goodreads, Amazon, etc.).


-The Milk Lady of Bangalore will be the February Book of the Month for BookMovement, which has a membership of 48,000 book clubs (averaging 10 members each). It’s a dedicated email just about The Milk Lady of Bangalore with book description, excerpt, discussion questions, a giveaway of one book club set of books, food and drink pairings and more.


So this is all nice! 



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