Return to India
Return to India
is the tale of a young lady, fascinated by things American, who left Madras to study in the US, and came back for an arranged marriage....“Although the author does not address it directly, the book highlights two of life’s major questions: Who am I? What are my values?”
Deccan Herald
For those wanting to know
about an Indian's life abroad, this is the book. For all those Indians living abroad and wanting to come back to India, this is the memoir to be read.And, for those just wanting to have a read of a brilliant book, Return to India is a must. Shoba Narayan has indeed given a voice to all those who have been dealing with ‘an immigrant’s dilemma’ – to be or not to be is the question!” Blogadda
The relevance of the book
lies in the fact that Narayan represents a vast multitude of Indians who go through that dilemma day in and day out....The memoir is also about how we handle our urge for ‘freedom’…. The reason for our escape also becomes the reason for our return. And that’s reason enough for this reader to recommend it for all children who want to leave our shores in search of a ‘better’ life.” Business World