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Mint Lounge: Soneva Maldives
Just outside my cottage at the Soneva Fushi resort was a coral reef. Several times a day, I walked out into the sea and start swimming with my flippers.
Hindustan Times: Visiting Chefs
To be a good chef, you have to have knowledge, opinion and confidence. Few professions are as unforgiving as a chef’s chosen job. You get feedback instantly. If the dish isn’t good, it gets sent back to the kitchen.
Redeeming yourself
Failure, Apology, Redemption. The older you get, the easier this becomes, or does it? My monthly column for WisdomCircle!
Hindustan Times: Wedding shopping
It is a truth universally known that NRIs who need to shop for a wedding usually come to India. We each have our own list of products, shops and people. This one is mine.
Hindustan Times: Isn’t food enough for restaurants?
When you go to a restaurant, what do you go for? If it is just food, I would argue that you can get better food at your home or a relative’s home.
For WisdomCircle: on connection
Connection is what defines us as humans and it is one thing that exponentially increases our happiness. This isn’t some deep profound confide-all-secrets type of connection that I am talking about, although that too is good.
Hindustan Times Edit Page: Sex scandal in Hassan
In incidents of sexual assault and rape, India and indeed the world, has a tendency to blame the woman—the victim. “She must have been wearing something provocative to instigate him into rape,” is a common one.
India Today Travel Plus: Restaurant review
How does a fine-dining Indian restaurant differentiate itself? A review of Zarf at The Sheraton Grand Whitefield.
Hindustan Times: Science in the City
Here is a fairly stunning statistic, to use the tempered language of science. In the 2023 Nature Index of the top science cities globally, only one Indian city made it to the top 100. Guess which one? Bengaluru.
WisdomCircle: Course Correction
Having someone hold a mirror to your face is the hardest thing to....well, face. But if you are lucky, you will have at least one friend who will do it for you. I write about this.
Mint Lounge: Indigenous food
In the effort to serve up history while infusing it with storytelling, chefs are mining journals and literature, meeting home cooks and local eatery owners, and tracing little known ingredients and recipes.